Популярные книги |
28 мая 2009 |
№ 25541146 |
ОписаниеThe twentieth century offers the new collector a wide range of opportunities to build up a collection, from coffee sets, dinner wares, decorative plaques, egg cups and even chamber pots to a whole range of novelties that were manufactured by the pottery industry across Europe and America. The market for collectables has expanded greatly over the last twenty years with many people starting to buy their first examples from local flea markets, car boot sales and auction houses. More recently new opportunities to buy and sell pottery have been established via the internet with auction sites such as eBay. This book is for any collector interested in 20th century ceramics, whether a collector who concentrates on one factory, on a single designer, such as Clarice Cliff, or on a type of item, such as toast racks, egg cups or preserve pots. Written by the award-winning author Andrew Casey, an acknowledged expert on twentieth-century ceramics, this book covers the diverse range of pottery produced during the twentieth century, aiming to provide a starting point for all those collectors.
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