Популярные книги |
14 августа 2015 |
№ 156448243 |
Автор: almalm :: Просмотров: 1144 |
ОписаниеAVA Academias Basics Typography titles are designed to provide visual arts students with a theoretical and practical exploration of each of the fundamental topics within the discipline of Typography. Packed with examples from students and professionals and fully illustrated with clear diagrams and inspiring imagery, they offer an essential exploration of the subject. Basics Typography 03: Understanding Type aims to help readers get to grips with exactly what type is and how it has developed, in order for them to put this knowledge into practical use. It arms the reader with what they need to know to make the most informed decisions when working with type. This book is about looking closer at what most take for granted and offering an insight into an area so that, once hooked, it will be very difficult to see type in the same way again.
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