Популярные книги |
15 октября 2015 |
№ 159603748 |
Название: Berlitz Language: Russian Phrase Book (+ Audio CD)
Издательство: Berlitz
Год издания: 2012 Страниц: 224
Жанр: Berlitz |
ОписаниеWith its completely redesigned interior making the book even more accessible than before, the Berlitz Russian Phrase Book & CD is ideal for travellers of all ages who are looking for a reliable and up-to-date phrase book that contains all the phrases they really need when they are in Russia. The new and improved content has a more visually appealing colour-coding system, enabling users to find what they want, when they want it, and in less time. The book also provides simplified phonetics to ensure that users pronounce the Russian words and phrases correctly, and the updated CD is ideal for users who wish to practise their pronunciation in advance. Stunning images enhance the content and make this the most visually attractive Russian phrase book on the market.
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