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![Corporate Collections (DOC, 11.70 mb) Corporate Collections](https://www.infanata.info/daab/corporate-collections/corporate-collections.jpg)
Автор: Conzen Friedrich
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2013 Страниц: 468 Формат: DOC
Размер: 11.70 mb
Жанр: Daab
Leading German corporations as owners of art collections, which, in importance and size, are in no way inferior to those of public museums, has become quite a common phenomenon. The individual endeavors of artloving executives soon turned into a successful example of modern corporate culture. High-profile and professionally cared for corporate collections create a cultural indentity. CORPORATE COLLECTIONS takes a look at these comprehensive corporate collectors' activities in Germany. 70 corporate collections, their approaches, and their focuses are presented in this valuable book of plates. For quick reference, all corporations and their respective locations are listed in an index. CORPORATE COLLECTIONS explores the role of these corporate collections as sponsors of art whose influence so far has gone almost unnoticed.
Автор: zanoza
:: Просмотров: 1841
![The Label Book of Clothing Culture: Tradition, Quality, Style (PDF, 10.36 mb) The Label Book of Clothing Culture: Tradition, Quality, Style](https://www.infanata.info/daab/the-label-book-of-clothing-culture/the-label-book-of-clothing-culture.jpg)
Автор: Rusche Thomas
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2013 Страниц: 296 Формат: PDF
Размер: 10.36 mb
Жанр: Daab
Wenn Tradition, Qualitat und Stil zu einem ausdrucksstarken, unverwechselbaren Produkt verschmelzen, dann steckt moglicherweise eines der 43 Top-Marken des LABEL BOOK dahinter. Denn sie alle gehoren auch international zu den besten in ihrem Segment.
![Archi-Tectonics: Winka Dubbeldam (PDF, 6.16 mb) Archi-Tectonics: Winka Dubbeldam](https://www.infanata.info/daab/archi-tectonics/archi-tectonics.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2013 Страниц: 176 Формат: PDF
Размер: 6.16 mb
Жанр: Daab
With her progressive architectural office Archi-Tectonics, Winka Dubbeldam has advanced to the very top of the New York architecture scene. Her innovative projects are grounded within the context of urban planning, society and technology and attest to a unique interplay of materials and methods. This monograph presents an impressive overview of the projects that have endowed her with international prestige. Language — English, German. Монография одного из самых прогрессивных архитекторов современности, Винки Даббельдам, представляет впечатляющий обзор проектов, которые принесли своей создательнице международное признание. Эмигранты из Европы в течение десятилетий меняли облик современной американской архитектуры. Винка Даббельдам безусловно входит в этот список выдающихся деятелей. Не ограничивая себя размерами, работая и над нью-йоркскими небоскребами, и над деревенскими домиками, Даббельдам зарекомендовала себя как одну из наиболее провокационных фигур в сфере объединения функции и формы, технологии и удобства, города и дома. Ее метод основан на том, чтобы вскрыть противоречия устоявшихся структур, раздвинуть границы архитектуры и найти неизвестные ранее формы для пространства и зданий. Ее идеи фантастичны и требуют глубоких изысканий, исследований и экспериментов. Основанная на передовых технологиях студия-лаборатория «Archi-Tectonics» выдвигает Даббельдам на первые позиции в мире современной архитектуры и даже позволяет заглянуть в будущее. Невероятные футуристические модели архитектора, представляющие собой искусственные острова — особые экономические и развлекательные зоны, соединенные друг с другом «умными» водными автострадами, – показывают нам то, как может выглядеть наше будущее. Данная монография представляет наиболее значительные проекты Даббельдам, которые помогут читателям проникнуть в самую суть ее необычного подхода к архитектуре. Здесь вы найдете, к примеру, фасад 12-тиэтажного хранилища в районе нью-йоркского Сохо. Закованное в стекло здание производит неуловимое впечатление водопада и гармонирует с улицей и соседними домами, не теряя при этом своего очарования как произведение искусства. Академия в Монровии построена исходя из экологических и социологических соображений и задумана как похожий на деревню ансамбль зданий, который удовлетворяет общинным, экологическим и экономическим требованиям. Причем подобный ансамбль вполне мог бы находиться в Манхэттене. «Archi-Tectonics» исследует более 20 проектов архитектора, включая такие поразительные как выставка «From HardWare to SoftForm», «Aida Hair Salon» и «Gipsy Trail Residence».
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 2488
![Pride and Glory: The Rocker's Jacket (PDF, 14.00 mb) Pride and Glory: The Rocker's Jacket](https://www.infanata.info/daab/pride-and-glory/pride-and-glory.jpg)
Автор: Harmsen Lars
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2013 Страниц: 400 Формат: PDF
Размер: 14.00 mb
Жанр: Daab
After the success of Or Glory 21st Century Rockers, acclaimed photographer Horst A. Friedrichs captures the spirit of The Rockers Jacket in modern times. First coming into its own as a symbol of youth rebellion in the 50s, the Leather jacket continues to fascinate as much for its beauty as its mythology. The leather jacket belongs to that select group of garments that can be described as iconic. No other western garment has been individualized that much, expressing the soul of who it belongs. The book features new exclusive pictures from the Lewis leathers vintage jacket collection. Iconic leather jackets never seen before, but also showing the contemporary replicas by Lewis Leathers.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 1492
![Superlative Emirates: The New Dimension of Urban Architecture (PDF, 8.40 mb) Superlative Emirates: The New Dimension of Urban Architecture](https://www.infanata.info/daab/superlative-emirates/superlative-emirates.jpg)
Автор: Klein Caroline
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2012 Страниц: 240 Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.40 mb
Жанр: Daab
The German architecture and design scene today is characterized by imaginative and progressive concepts on the highest technical and creative level. E specially in the field of ecological construction Germany set the international standards. Zeitgeist introduces the most compelling German architecture — and design offices, from the most established and renoun to the shooting stars of the scene.
Автор: zero20
:: Просмотров: 2480
![Chinese Design (PDF (текст изображением), 13.97 mb) Chinese Design](https://www.infanata.info/zhurnaly-na-inostrannykh-yazykakh/chinese-design/chinese-design.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2011 Страниц: 399 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 13.97 mb
Жанр: Журналы на иностранных языках
In this book of Chinese Design, we are pleased to introduce a wide array of different architectural projects, and the various designers, architectural ateliers and developers that have made these works come to light. The distribution of the book has been done in three chapters according to the three main geographical areas — Beijing, Shanghai, and Hong Kong — where most of these projects are located. A fourth chapter covers the architectural projects located in other parts of the Chinese mainland. Like the Great Wall, which with its 2.400 km is the only built structure on earth visible from outer space, China is so huge and profound, that to make an attempt to analyse its design is practically impossible. The basic principle, however, that seemed to influence space design in China was related to a number of different philosophies like Confucianism, Taoism or Fengshui. Although nowadays, in general, people do not really like being bound by ancient tradition, still most of them follow, or at least cannot ignore, that Fengshui laws of space direction or some other philosophies. China's complex, harsh and hazardous history partly explains one of the reasons why many residential houses and buildings look often like solid fortresses, with its inner space clearly separated and differentiated from the outer part of the house. Inside the house compound, the patio serves not only as a source of visual delight, but it is used also for outdoor inner living throughout the various seasons of the year. Finally we would like to introduce a few distinctisyve examples of iconography in China, symbologie that plays a very important role within Chinese design. Colours like red, aside form being the colour of the Chinese national flag, have signified fortune and luck, since ancient times. Visually, sometimes it seems as if every single city of the country lies under the overriding spell of the Chinese character script. China's extraordinary appetite for the new was certainly a powerful driving force for its rapid change. The end product is as somewhat general retrofuristic urban landscape spreading all over its cities.
Автор: struva
:: Просмотров: 1473
![Tokyo Architecture and Design (PDF, 8.29 mb) Tokyo Architecture and Design](https://www.infanata.info/gradostroitelstvo/tokyo-architecture-and-design/tokyo-architecture-and-design.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2011 Страниц: 237 Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.29 mb
Жанр: Градостроительство
Tokyo constitutes the most populated metropolitan area on the planet, it houses 33 million inhabitants. It is also, possibly, the megalopolis with the highest proportion of recent architecture, what is a result of two significant events: The earthquake of 1923 and the bombardments of World War II. The economic development that took place after the war gave rise to a modern city that stands out on account of its complex infrastructures. In no other city are the boundaries between inside and outside, public and private, up and down as blurred as in Tokyo; this lack of frontiers has shaped an urban setting without parallel which is reflected equally by the most state-of-the-art skyscraper and the most intimate store. This amalgam of architectural typologies has established itself as a reference point for designers from all over the world. Projects are listed in alphabetical order to the architects and designers, presented in a very clear layout. Plans show the layouts of the buildings and single rooms.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 1491
![Beijing Architecture and Design Beijing Architecture and Design](https://www.infanata.info/images/no-book.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2011 Страниц: 240 Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.40 mb
Жанр: Градостроительство
Apart from being one of Asia’s largest metropolises, Beijing is an ultimate visual challenge: Gigantic constructions in bold avant-garde designs keep a par with the explosive economic developments of the booming Asian market. This book presents the most interesting modern interiors and exteriors of shops, restaurants, hotels and public buildings of our days.
![Contemporary Corporate Architecture (PDF, 13.41 mb) Contemporary Corporate Architecture](https://www.infanata.info/gradostroitelstvo/contemporary-corporate-architecture/contemporary-corporate-architecture.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2011 Страниц: 383 Формат: PDF
Размер: 13.41 mb
Жанр: Градостроительство
ENGLISCH CONTEMPORARY CORPORATE ARCHITECTURE is a compilation of the most interesting international projects today, which focus on the presentation and reinforcement of a companyʼs corporate identity. It has been common practice since the 1980s to make use of the communicative possibilities of architecture, both regarding the interior design as well as the exterior appearance of a building: the construction itself is transformed into a symbol of the residing company, hotel or bank. In a similar way as graphic and web design shape a companyʼs corporate identity with the help of logos, websites and public appearance, architecture too has become an important marketing tool. Large companies have the power to greatly influence and shape a cityʼs image: by hiring renowned architects such as Foster & Partners, 3XN and Eric van Egeraat, all of which known for their spectacular designs, they are able to channel the attention of the media from the early planning stages, to the construction phase, furnishing and inauguration of the building. Representative buildings for companies, political, economic, cultural and religious institutions or associations have a longstanding tradition in the history of architecture. Their purpose has always been to demonstrate the clientʼs status in society: their position of power, influence and historical importance. In todayʼs ever changing urban environment defined by multiplicity and differentiation, corporate architecture has become an enormous challenge. Apart from fulfilling functional and aesthetic demands and representing the clientʼs corporate identity, other factors such as “location” are no less to be undermined. City centers, industrial parks or residential areas – to stand out from the surrounding building projects thanks to unique features is no less important than fitting in and complementing the existing cityscape. New media and innovative forms and material make sure that these complex demands are met today.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 2610
![Rising: Young Artists to Keep an Eye on (DjVu, 1.00 mb) Rising: Young Artists to Keep an Eye on](https://www.infanata.info/daab/rising/rising.jpg)
Автор: Salie Olaf
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2011 Страниц: 420 Формат: DjVu
Размер: 1.00 mb
Жанр: Daab
Like a watchlist RISING presents about 100 young artists who are still at the beginning of their career and whose extremely interesting positions are not yet counted as secured by the established art market. Young art personalities in the often difficult but crucial time between the academy and the first experiences in galleries whose exciting work already raises hopes. The book is not only an inspiration for collectors, curators and galerists and a stimulation for a desired and lively discussion, but also allows an insight to the Boheme of the artistic new bloods. The selection of the artists is accompanied by a board of trustees of well-known collectors, galerists and connoisseurs of the international art scene.
![Fresh 3: Cutting Edge Illustrations in the Press (PDF, 11.76 mb) Fresh 3: Cutting Edge Illustrations in the Press](https://www.infanata.info/daab/fresh-3/fresh-3.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2011 Страниц: 336 Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.76 mb
Жанр: Daab
There are no boundaries: todays edges between style, format and content are bluring aswell as the real and the imagined have been blurred. FRESH is a ground breaking collection of contemporary illustration from around the world, presenting a wide range of styles and techniques. Hundreds of successful projects from brand new faces to star illustrators are featured in this series of three books. By presenting such a broad spectrum of leading protagonists side by side makes FRESH an inspiring reading for professional illustrators, artists and anyone with a love for visual language. Cutting E dge Illustrations — Print A cutting edge presentation of personal designs alongside fashion illustration and commercial work produced for books, flyers, brochures, or magazines.
![Fresh 1: Cutting Edge Illustrations — Object (PDF, 11.76 mb) Fresh 1: Cutting Edge Illustrations — Object](https://www.infanata.info/daab/fresh-1/fresh-1.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2011 Страниц: 336 Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.76 mb
Жанр: Daab
«There are no boundaries: today's borders between style, format and content are blurring just as the real and the imagined have been blurred. FRESH is a groundbreaking collection of contemporary illustration from around the world, presenting a wide range of styles and techniques. Hundreds of successful projects from brand-new faces to star illustrators are featured in this series of three books. The presentation of such a broad spectrum of leading protagonists side by side makes FRESH an inspiring read for professional illustrators, artists and anyone with a love for visual language. «Cutting Edge Illustrations — Object» explores illustration in a sculptural or three-dimensional environment as well as the art of illustrations on products in the form of industrial or fashion design.»
![Fresh 2: Cutting Edge Illustrations — Public (PDF, 11.76 mb) Fresh 2: Cutting Edge Illustrations — Public](https://www.infanata.info/daab/fresh-2/fresh-2.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2011 Страниц: 336 Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.76 mb
Жанр: Daab
FRESH is a ground breaking collection of contemporary illustration from around the world, presenting a wide range of styles and techniques. Hundreds of successful projects from brand new faces to star illustrators are featured in this series of three books. By presenting such a broad spectrum of leading protagonists side by side makes FRESH an inspiring reading for professional illustrators, artists and anyone with a love for visual language. Cutting Edge Illustrations Public presents street art, graffiti and illustration in architecture, in-store graphics or public space.
![Go West! Cutting-Edge Creatives In The United States (PDF (текст изображением), 12.46 mb) Go West! Cutting-Edge Creatives In The United States](https://www.infanata.info/daab/go-west-cutting-edge-creatives-in-the-united-states/go-west-cutting-edge-creatives-in-the-united-states.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2011 Страниц: 356 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 12.46 mb
Жанр: Daab
The United States is a magnet for creative people from across the world who come here to draw on the inspiration they need for their internationally acclaimed projects. The output of the best creative minds in the architecture, design, art, fashion, photography and advertising scene is presented through a stunningly illustrated journey spanning six chapters. Creatives featured in this book... ADVERTISING: 22squared, Big Spaceship, Deutsch, King & Partners, Mother New York, R & R Partners, The Richards Group, Volume, Young & Rubicam ARCHITECTURE: Belzberg, Ben Ryuki Miyagi, Designarc, Mark Jensen, Lewis. Tsurumaki. Lewis, LOHA, Rex, Soma, Studio Pali Fekete, Trahan, XTEN ART: Britt Ehringer, Cameron Gray, Colin Cook, Jorg Dubin, Joshua Petker, Kelsey Brookes, Natalia Fabia, Peter Tunney, Ron English, Shepard Fairey, Terence Koh DESIGN: Esque Studio, Icrave, Josh Owen, Karim Rashid, Orange22, Ron Gilad, Tagfront, Thomas Meyerhoffer, Toda, Yves Bhar FASHION: Bibhu Mohapatra, Brian Lichtenberg, Catherine Malandrino, Christian Siriano, Joseph Altuzarra, Julia Clancey, Lost Art, Parabeal Gurung, Rami Kashou PHOTOGRAPHY: Alison Jackson, Chris Anthony, Eliot Lee Hazel, Holly Andres, Glenn Wexler, Lionel Deluy, Mike Ruiz, Roger Erickson, Sara Vanderbeek, Shirin Neshat Text in English, German, Spanish ILLUSTRATIONS: Colour throughout.
![Club Design (PDF (текст изображением), 13.44 mb) Club Design](https://www.infanata.info/arkhitektura-i-dizayn-interyera/club-design/club-design.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2009 Страниц: 384 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 13.44 mb
Жанр: Архитектура и дизайн
The hottest and coolest places to be within the international nightclubbing scene illustrated by of an extravagant selection of extraordinary interiors from across the globe.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 2481
![Broadcast Design (+ CD-ROM) (PDF, 14.00 mb) Broadcast Design (+ CD-ROM)](https://www.infanata.info/zhurnaly-na-inostrannykh-yazykakh/broadcast-design/broadcast-design.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2007 Страниц: 400 Формат: PDF
Размер: 14.00 mb
Жанр: Журналы на иностранных языках
Broadcast design and television branding bear an important prominence in our world today. Audiovisual design, in terms of content and technology, is fast-paced: the TV landscape faces great changes in distribution channels and different content models. Those changes demand a strict strategic brand development, which should be suitable for the on-air designs as well as for a range of other media channels and merchandising.With Broadcast Design Bjorn Bartholdy introduces the corporate design of ten selected international TV channels like BBC, FOX or arte. It gives examples of on-air design positions, introduces the collaboration between channels and design agencies and features interviews of the channel's representatives. Enclosed is a DVD to show the audiovisual media in their natural environment: on screen.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 2481
![Roof Design (PDF, 14.00 mb) Roof Design](https://www.infanata.info/zhurnaly-na-inostrannykh-yazykakh/roof-design/roof-design.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2007 Страниц: 400 Формат: PDF
Размер: 14.00 mb
Жанр: Журналы на иностранных языках
Since streets become increasingly crowded, living on the top of a building promises privacy and distance. Rooftops have become the symbol of a new lifestyle — an extension and exclusive enjoyment of an area traditionally unused: the architectural crown of a building has been transformed into a new area for work or living. Architects, designers and town planners have seen in this final section of a building their last chance to let their fantasies run free and to dramatically shape the cities' skylines with extensions, attics and unique tops. This volume delivers a very close insight in the divers possibilities of the roof design of residential, corporative and other buildings. About 200 projects present the different types of roofs: Pitched roofs, flat roofs with planting vegetation, roof garden as a pool area or further floor space. An index with the contact dates of the designers is enclosed.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 1488
![Paris Architecture and Design (PDF, 8.40 mb) Paris Architecture and Design](https://www.infanata.info/gradostroitelstvo/paris-architecture-and-design/paris-architecture-and-design.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2007 Страниц: 240 Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.40 mb
Жанр: Градостроительство
It has been the French revolution that has paved the way for an inventive and creative spirit in the arts, architecture, literature, and music that enhanced the development of science and technology of the future. Even a few years back, on the 200th anniversary of the revolution, the city presented more breath-taking monuments to modern architecture, which rival any in Europe. This book presents new and innovative projects by architects, who on the one hand, bear witness to the desire to combine environmentalism with the urban needs and, on the other, to the diversity of influence and changes needed in the architectural outlook. All projects will be listed in alphabetical order to the architects and designers, presented in a very clear layout. As far as available floor plans will give additional insights.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 1612
![Barcelona Architecture and Design (PDF, 9.10 mb) Barcelona Architecture and Design](https://www.infanata.info/gradostroitelstvo/barcelona-architecture-and-design/barcelona-architecture-and-design.jpg)
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2007 Страниц: 260 Формат: PDF
Размер: 9.10 mb
Жанр: Градостроительство
Barcelona is the cultural center of Spain. A tourist's hot spot and one of the most frequented cities in summer. There is a lot more to Barcelona's architecture than just Gaud?. Since the Olympic Games in 1992 international architects began to shape the capital of Modernism with numerous contructions. Norman Foster, Frank O. Ghery and many more have left their footsteps. The Forum of Cultures 2004 provided another opportunity of city planning. Slowly Barcelona has been transformed into a an artistic reference: it has an insatiable appetite for new design and innovations, but still highly values its rich architectural past. Old and new are close. Like this it became a model that other cities may choose to imitate due to its cosmopolitan atmosphere. This book shows the newest architectural developements in Barcelona and introduces several projects. Not only public and cultural buildings but also private houses are shown. As far as available floor plans will give additional insights. An index with contact information of the respective architects is enclosed.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 372
![Das F-Prinzip: Set with 4 wooden F-shapes (DOC, 1.50 mb) Das F-Prinzip: Set with 4 wooden F-shapes](https://www.infanata.info/istoriya-i-teoriya-arkhitektury/das-f-prinzip/das-f-prinzip.jpg)
Автор: Feyyaz
Издательство: Daab
Год: 2007 Страниц: 60 Формат: DOC
Размер: 1.50 mb
Жанр: История и теория архитектуры
DAS F-PRINZIP is an architectural 3D board game which encourages a playful examination of the letter F. This concept is based on a constellation of four equally formed F-shapes modelled on the walls of a rectangular room. The short lower bar of the F may serve as a partition. Purpose of the game is to explore the manifold, sheer endless possibilities of creating floor plans and three-dimensional constructions. As a connector between language, shape and function, DAS F-PRINZIP enhances spatial thinking. DAS F-PRINZIP is the result of the artist Feyyaz' constant development of his own art environments. It compacts the idea of space into a recurring principle with numerous variants. Each set consists of four wooden F-shapes and a booklet in a box.