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ОписаниеThis collection of short stories essentially reproduces Ernest Hemingway's 1925 book In Our Time, with the addition of the early story Up in Michigan and the title story, first published in Esquire in 1936 and widely regarded as one of Hemingway's great works, inspiring the 1952 film adaptation starring Gregory Peck. The other stories here are On the Quai at Smyrna; Indian Camp; The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife; The End of Something; The Three-Day Blow; The Battler; A Very Short Story; Soldier's Home; The Revolutionist; Mr. and Mrs. Elliot; Cat in the Rain; Out of Season; Cross-Country Snow; My Old Man; and Big Two-Hearted River. Writing in a terse, stripped-down style, first as a reporter and then a novelist, Hemingway was an enormously influential author from the 1920s through the 50s, and won both the Pulitzer and Nobel Prizes. J.D. Salinger, Hunter S. Thompson, Charles Bukowski, and Jack Kerouac all acknowledged their indebtedness to him, as did non-authors like artist Edward Hopper, whose Nighthawks at the Diner was inspired in part by Hemingway's short stories.
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