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ОписаниеTHE DIRTY STREETS OF HEAVEN is the first in a new set of fantasy-fuelled thrillers from the author George R. R. Martin cites as one of the major inspirations behind Game of Thrones: Tad Williams, international bestselling author of The Dragonbone Chair. BOBBY DOLLAR ISN'T YOUR AVERAGE ANGEL. Sure, he takes the occasional trip to Heaven, but his job as an advocate — arguing the fate of the recently deceased — keeps him pretty busy on Earth, and he's more than happy to spend the rest of his time propping up the bar with his fellow immortals. Until the day a soul goes missing, presumed stolen by 'the other side'. A new chapter in the war between heaven and hell is about to open. And Bobby is right in the middle of it, with only a desirable but deadly demon to aid him.
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