Популярные книги |
15 декабря 2011 |
№ 168603667 |

Название: Pro Digital Fashion Photography
Издательство: Ilex press
Год издания: 2009 Страниц: 192
Жанр: Ilex press |
ОписаниеOne of the highest paid positions in photography is that of the professional fashion photographer. If you have a passion for fashion and want to shoot fantastic pictures, Pro Digital Fashion Photography will help to put you at the forefront of this competitive field. This book contains countless insights, tips and techniques that will inspire you to develop your own skills and style — so you too can capture the glamour, dynamism, and sophistication of the fashion industry. The book comprehensively examines every aspect of fashion photography, from high-end beauty and fashion photography to catwalk, swimwear, and lingerie shots. It clearly explains all the key information, from setting up the perfect studio and working with models, to post-production skills and how to break into, and compete within, the fashion photography business. This unique hands-on title will give you the tools required to create a winning portfolio, and ultimately to succeed in the world of fashion photography.
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