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Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 2013 Страниц: 585 Формат: PDF
Размер: 20.48 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
Long the province of international law, human rights now enjoys a renaissance of studies and new perspectives from the social sciences. This landmark book is the first to synthesize and comprehensively evaluate this body of work. It fosters an interdisciplinary, international, and critical engagement both in the social study of human rights and the establishment of a human rights approach throughout the field of sociology. Sociological perspectives bring new questions to the interdisciplinary study of human rights, as amply illustrated in this book. The Handbook is indispensable to any interdisciplinary collection on human rights or on sociology.

Автор: Anderson Benedict
Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 2013 Страниц: 256 Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.96 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
History is forged through the travel of ideas across continents — as well as by bombs. The Age of Globalization is an account of the unlikely connections that made up late nineteenth-century politics and culture, and in particular between militant anarchists in Europe and the Americas, and anti-imperialist uprisings in Cuba, China and Japan. Told through the complex intellectual interactions of two great Filipino writers — the political novelist Jose Rizal and the pioneering folklorist Isabelo de los Reyes — The Age of Globalization is a brilliantly original work on how global exchanges shaped the nationalist movements of the time.
Автор: ecvb78
:: Просмотров: 2327

Автор: Winninger Michael
Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 2013 Страниц: 374 Формат: DOC
Размер: 9.35 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
A fascinating portrait of The Toy Factory, the biggest and most modern tank production factory of its time The village of St. Valentin, situated in the western part of Niederosterreich, was a growing and ultimately very important armament production centre during the Third Reich. The Nibelungenwerk was planned as the biggest and most modern tank production factory with big housing facilities for workers under the camouflage name Toy Factory. Although the building was hindered by many wartime restrictions between 1941 and 1945, the Nibelungenwerk grew to be the most important manufacturer of the Panzerkampfwagen IV (German main battle tank). Nowadays, though, tractors are built in the remaining part of the Nibelungenwerk. This book will take the reader right to the heart of the factory and its production. Starting with the planning and construction of the factory and residential area, it shows then the poor working conditions, the producing of armament materials (mainly tanks mark IV) and finally the air raids against the works and the end of the war in St. Valentin. Complete with many photographs and documents never published before.

Автор: Mazzucato Mariana
Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 2013 Страниц: 266 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 9.31 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
This book debunks the myth of the state as a large bureaucratic organization that can at best facilitate the creative innovation which happens in the dynamic private sector. Analysing various case studies of innovation-led growth, in particular examples from Silicon Valley, it describes the opposite situation, whereby the private sector only finds the courage to invest after the courageous state has made the high-risk investments. It argues that in the history of modern capitalism, the state has actively opened up new technologies and markets that private investors only later move into.

Автор: Lapavitsas Costas
Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 2012 Страниц: 224 Формат: PDF
Размер: 7.84 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
Building on his work as a leading member of the renowned Research on Money and Finance group, Costas Lapavitsas presents a searing critique of the neoliberal nature of the Eurozone and ruthlessly dissects the roots of the current financial turmoil and the European debt crisis. Lapavitsas argues that European austerity is contradictory because it leads to recession, and worsens the burden of debt, further imperilling banks and the monetary union itself. Controversially, Lapavitsas suggests that impoverished states would be wise to quit the Euro and pursue debtor-led, sovereign and democratic default that would lead to deep cancellation of debt. Lapavitsas envisages a restructuring relying on the forces of organized labor and civil society, drawing on the theoretical tradition of political economy and heterodox economics, and treading a careful path between declining Europeanism and nascent nationalism.

Название: BLAH, BLAH, BLAH
Автор: Roam Dan
Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 2012 Страниц: 304 Формат: DOC
Размер: 7.60 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
The vivid combination of words and pictures can help readers think and learn more quickly, teach and inspire their colleagues, and enjoy happier lives in general. Roam's solution is to merge the best aspects of one's visual and verbal minds.

Автор: Galavaris George
Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 2012 Страниц: 576 Формат: DOC
Размер: 14.40 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
Trained as an archaeologist and art historian and being a practising painter, Professor Galavaris has been able to relate diverse disciplines in his work, as shown by the wide range of his numerous publications. He moves from the early history of the eucharistic bread in the Orthodox Church, the dramatic impact of the Liturgy on illuminated Byzantine manuscripts, to the role of the icon in: the life of the Church, the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke and the European painting of the 20th century. He is a leading authority on the study of the relationship between worship, Liturgy and art. Whether it is the cult of the Byzantine Emperor or the Eucharistic Liturgy, manifested in numismatics, illuminated manuscripts, icons, church lights (candles and oil lamps) — all witnesses of the creative forces of the Byzantine artist — Galavaris' interests are symbols, forms and their meaning. He investigates their contribution to worship, to the visual shaping of the Liturgy and how they reveal the freedom and the mission of the artist in realizing the Unseen in everyday life. The 31 studies in the present volume, published over 40 years (5 of them appear in English for the first time) are brought together with an introduction, annotations and an index. The volume contributes essentially to our knowledge of the spirituality of the Eastern Church.

Автор: Cohen David Elliot
Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 2011 Страниц: 224 Формат: PDF
Размер: 7.84 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
Perhaps because we have no royalty, Americans especially are fascinated by the pageantry and fairy-tale romance of British weddings. Few events capture the world's heart and imagination like a British royal wedding. In 1981, we were enchanted as Prince Charles wed lovely Lady Di, generating worldwide attention and massive sales of wedding-related products. As the young managing editor of a photo-news agency, Cohen directed a team of five photojournalists who covered the wedding for several major news magazines. Through more than two hundred spectacular photographs (including 80 pages of their wedding alone), William & Catherine recounts the couple's wildly different childhoods, their romance and engagement, the events leading up to the wedding, and the grand affair itself--watched by over two billion worldwide. Here are the massive crowds lining the parade route, the sparkling celebrities at Westminster Abbey, the bride's spectacular gown, “The Kisses” on Buckingham Palace's balcony, and the worldwide celebrations. Also included is a brief pictorial history of British royal weddings from Queen Victoria and Prince Albert in 1840 to Prince Charles and Lady Diana in 1981. Including a brief history of British royal weddings, fascinating detailed captions, and a foreword by renowned royal watcher Robert Jobson, author of William & Kate, The Love Story and royal correspondent for four major British newspapers, this book magnificently illustrates the pomp, the pageantry, the history and enchantment of the romance that charmed the world.

Автор: Ali Tariq
Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 2011 Страниц: 156 Формат: PDF
Размер: 5.46 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
«Written in early 2010 and initially published in September, The Obama Syndrome predicted the Obama administration's historic midterm defeat. But unlike myriad commentators who have since pinned responsibility for that Democratic Party collapse on the «reform» president's lack of firm resolve, Ali's critique located the problem in Obama's notion of reform itself. Barack Obama campaigned for the presidency by promising to escalate the war in Afghanistan, and his economic team brought the architects of the financial crisis into the White House. Small wonder then that the «War on Terror» — torture in Bagram, occupation in Iraq, appeasement in Israel, and escalation in Pakistan — continues. And that Wall Street and the country's biggest corporations have all profited at the expense of America's working class and poor. Now a thoroughly updated paperback continues the story through the midterms, including a trenchant analysis of the Tea Party, and Obama's decision to continue with his predecessor's tax cuts for the rich. Ali asks whether — in the absence of a progressive upheaval from below — US politics is permanently mired in moderate Republicanism. Already called «a comprehensive account» of the problems with Obama (The Huffington Post), this new edition is sure to provide a more «powerful boost to Obama dissenters on the left».»
Автор: point
:: Просмотров: 7538

Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 2009 Страниц: 1214 Формат: DOC
Размер: 30.35 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 744

Автор: Dahmane Nicholas
Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 2008 Страниц: 120 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 4.20 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
«Dahmane has been passionately devoted to nude photography for more than 25 years, with his last two offerings Dressed Nudes and Erotic Sessions out of print and greatly sought-after. Dahmane is now inviting us to join him on an «erotic journey of digital visions.» He has put down his Leica, and taken up digital technology. His work transcends the barriers and limitations of analogue photography and focuses on aesthetics, graphics, and eroticism. Dahmane’s fondness for architecture and the female nude, combined with the possibilities of Photoshop, enable naked or half-naked models to appear in a variety of striking cityscapes. Dahmane has broken free from the myriad limitations of nude outdoor photography, and given his imagination and perfectionism completely free reign. He creates pictures that make an absolutely realistic, if somewhat surreal, impression, but this is deceptive. We see scantily clad models lying in snow, surrounded by hoards of crocodiles, posing in an ordinary corselet in the streets of Warsaw or Los Angeles, or completely naked in Dubrovnik Cathedral. Dahmane’s work is full of surprises and casts a spell. We invite you to accompany him on his erotic journey.»
Автор: asket
:: Просмотров: 827

Название: NADIRS
Автор: Muller Herta
Издательство: Marston Book Services
Год: 1999 Страниц: 134 Формат: PDF
Размер: 4.69 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
Juxtaposing reality and fantasy, nightmares and dark laughter, Nadirs is a collection of largely autobiographical stories based on Herta Muller's childhood in the Romanian countryside. The individual tales reveal a child s often nightmarish impressions of life in her village. Seamlessly mixing reality with dream-like images, they brilliantly convey the inner, troubled life of a child and at the same time capture the violence and corruption of life under an oppressive state. Herta Muller has been one of the most prolific and acclaimed German-language writers of the last decade. Born in 1953 in the Banat, a German-language region of Romania, she immigrated to West Berlin in 1987 and currently resides in Hamburg. She has received numerous literary awards, including the Kleist Prize. In 1998 her novel The Land of Green Plums was awarded the International IMPAC Dublin Literary Award.
Автор: tritii
:: Просмотров: 4651

Издательство: Marston Book Services
Страниц: 752 Формат: PDF
Размер: 26.32 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
This book provides a comprehensive and updated consideration of the topic of cross-border insolvency, guiding the reader seamlessly through this complex area of law. The fourth edition is divided into two parts, with the first section describing the key cross-border insolvency regimes, including the EC Insolvency Regulation, the UNCITRAL Model Law on Cross-Border Insolvency, Section 426 of the UK's Insolvency Act 1986, and the common law. The second section of the book focuses on specific issues in more detail, such as the court's insolvency jurisdiction, ancillary winding up, enforcement of foreign insolvency judgments, foreign discharge of debts, and insolvency set-off. Cross-Border Insolvency also provides a full analysis of the fundamental changes to cross-border insolvency law and practice in England.

Издательство: Marston Book Services
Страниц: 288 Формат: PDF
Размер: 10.08 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
'The insightful chapters collected here show that markets are a matter of concern because they can be spaces for making concerns matter.' — David Stark, Columbia University, US and author of The Sense of Dissonance: Accounts of Worth in Economic Life' 'Do those impersonal allocation mechanisms that we call markets even exist as such? Or should we drop this questionable euphemism if what we want is to address the political struggles and bureaucratic processes that control economic life? Readers interested in a measured approach to the subject matter will find a set of clues here. By considering markets as nodes of concerns, the works assembled in this volume guide us along a subtle path.' — Fabian Muniesa, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France. Concerned Markets tackles the intersection between markets and politics, investigating the very current issue of designing markets to include multiple values. When political, social, technological and economic interests, values, and perspectives interact, market order and performance become contentious issues of debate. Such 'hot' situations are becoming increasingly common and make for rich sites of research. With expert empirical contributions investigating the organization of such 'concerned' markets, this book is positioned at the centre of the rapidly growing area of interdisciplinary market studies. Markets investigated include those for palm oil, primary health care and functional foods. The authors also examine markets and environmental concerns as well as better market design for those at the bottom of the pyramid. Scholars, postgraduate and PhD level students in finance, economic sociology, marketing, organisation theory and economics will find this book essential reading. Policymakers and practitioners will benefit from the fresh insight into the design and maintenance of market systems.

Издательство: Marston Book Services
Страниц: 552 Формат: PDF
Размер: 19.32 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
'This twenty-seven chapter book provides an excellent and accessible overview of the literature on rent seeking since its inception. What makes the book a fascinating reading is its application to different areas, such as regulation and economic aid, and presentation of an array of highly readable cases studies, including on China, Greece, India and Russia. It is a must for both students of public finance and policy makers.' — Sanjeev Gupta, International Monetary Fund 'Indeed, this book is an indispensable companion to everyone working on rent seeking or the theory or politics of contests. It combines excellent surveys and innovative work of the most eminent researchers in this field.' — Kai Konrad, Director, Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance, Munich, Germany The quest for benefit from existing wealth or by seeking privileged benefit through influence over policy is known as rent seeking. Much rent seeking activity involves government and political decisions and is therefore in the domain of political economy, although rent seeking can also take place in personal relations and within firms and bureaucracies. The contributions in this outstanding volume provide an accompaniment or 'companion' to the literature on rent seeking and the related political economy of rent creation and extraction. The chapters, written by leading scholars in the field, demonstrate the centrality of rent-related incentives to the study of economics, politics, culture, public administration and history. The expert and original contributions summarize and extend the literature in both theoretical and applied areas of research. The book begins with a clear and comprehensive description of the theory of rent seeking and of contest design for political and bureaucratic rent extraction. This is followed by a series of case studies showing the relevance of rent seeking for regulatory policies, international-trade policies, public finance, natural-resource discoveries, development aid, behavior in international bureaucracies, litigation and judicial systems. The applied chapters also include overviews of rent seeking and rent extraction in Europe, Russia, Asia, Africa and the US. This volume will appeal to a broad readership, including economists, political scientists and development practitioners, wishing to gain an understanding of the concept of rent seeking. The chapters in this book also provide an excellent introduction to the extensive literature.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 17318

Издательство: Marston Book Services
Страниц: 2800 Формат: PDF
Размер: 98.00 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
Comparative law is a field with a rich history, and one to which scholars from many disciplines have contributed. This four-volume set includes an original introduction by the editors, who trace the major developments in the field, covering both private and public law, as well as legal institutions and methodological debates. Encompassing more than a century of scholarship, the collection includes a number of the most enduring articles from several disciplinary perspectives and will be an essential resource for the study of comparative law.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 0

Издательство: Marston Book Services
Формат: PDF
Размер: 3.92 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
The opening of the National September 11th Memorial and Museum in 2014 marks a new era of reflection toward enhancing homeland security regulation in the United States. In the context of this new era, it is necessary to consider how policy intended to reinforce homeland security is evaluated. Benefit-Cost Analyses for Security Policies describes how to undertake the evaluation of security policies within the framework of benefit cost analysis and offers a unique contribution to analysis of homeland security regulations in the United States. The authors outline how established procedures for benefit-cost analysis must adapt to meet challenges posed by current security policy, through examining specific security related regulations. The logic of risk assessment, selection of a discount rate, valuation of travelers' time when delayed due to screening, valuation of changes in risks of injury or death, and impacts of terrorist events on the economy as a whole are among the issues discussed. An outline of the research and policy evaluation steps needed to build robust benefit-cost methods to evaluate security related regulations in the future is presented in the book. A series of examples is offered to illustrate how new security regulations should be reassessed to ensure resources are not wasted. Policy analysts will benefit from the insight drawn on how to evaluate homeland security regulation in the United States. Academic researchers interested in homeland security policy evaluation will find this book valuable and informative. Postgraduate students of public policy or applied economics will find examples of the challenges in using the methods of benefit-cost analysis in this new area for policy evaluation.

Издательство: Marston Book Services
Страниц: 144 Формат: DjVu
Размер: 1.00 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
On the 25th January 2015 the Greek people voted in an election of historic importance—not just for Greece but potentially all of Europe. The radical party Syriza was elected and austerity and the neoliberal agenda is being challenged. Suddenly it seems as if there is an alternative. But what? The Eurozone is in a deep and prolonged crisis. It is now clear that monetary union is a historic failure, beyond repair—and certainly not in the interests of Europe’s working people. Building on the economic analysis of two of Europe’s leading thinkers, Heiner Flassbeck and Costas Lapavitsas (a candidate standing for election on Syriza’s list), Against the Troika is the first book to propose a strategic left-wing plan for how peripheral countries could exit the euro. With a change in government in Greece, and looming political transformations in countries such as Spain, this major intervention lays out a radical, anti-capitalist programme at a critical juncture for Europe. The final three chapters offer a detailed postmortem of the Greek catastrophe, explain what can be learned from it—and provide a possible alternative. Against the Troika is a practical blueprint for real change in a continent wracked by crisis and austerity.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 0

Издательство: Marston Book Services
Формат: PDF
Размер: 3.92 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
Michel Aglietta’s path-breaking book is the first attempt at a rigorous historical theory of the whole development of US capitalism, from the Civil War to the Carter presidency. A major document of the “Regulation School” of heterodox economics, it was received as the boldest book in its field since the classic studies of Paul Baran, Paul Sweezy and Harry Braverman. This edition includes a substantial postface by Aglietta, which situates regulation theory in the context of twenty-first-century capitalism.

Издательство: Marston Book Services
Страниц: 232 Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.12 mb
Жанр: Marston Book Services
'This volume is authoritative and nuanced, yet concise and highly readable. At a time when international trade law is becoming the de facto law of globalization, affecting practically every area of public policy, Advanced Introduction to International Trade Law is essential reading for policy-makers, scholars and students alike.' — Joel P. Trachtman, Tufts University, US 'Who better to provide this highly accessible yet thorough introduction to international trade law than Michael Trebilcock, one of the world's pre-eminent scholars in the field. It introduces all of the important issues in contemporary trade law in straightforward language, capturing the critical details of each topic with both clarity and brevity. It can also serve as an excellent companion to the thick textbooks that accompany international economics or international trade law courses, or help anyone interested in this topic to understand the issues without slugging through legal and economics jargon that makes other sources less approachable.' — Benjamin Liebman, Saint Joseph's University, US 'An essential volume for students of international trade law. Michael Trebilcock presents a comprehensive, concise and accessible account of the legal regime governing the trading system. This revised edition takes account of the latest developments in the field. Like the first edition, this one is a masterful treatment of the subject that should be on the shelf of everyone working in international trade.' — Andrew Guzman, University of California Berkeley School of Law, US A second and fully updated edition of the book previously entitled Understanding Trade Law, this book presents an accessible yet nuanced introduction to the basic structure and principles of international trade law. It explores the development of the international trade law regime, principally GATT and WTO law, and through clear and concise discussion of the many developments that have arisen, gives a streamlined overview of this notoriously complex area of legal study. Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Michael Trebilcock provides a broad and deep narrative of the fundamental components of international trade law through succinct chapters, situating each topic in the context of broader domestic and international political economy considerations. The topics covered include: the emergence of the multilateral trading system (WTO); dispute settlement; tariffs; preferential trade agreements; the principle of non-discrimination; contingent protection laws; agriculture; services; investment; intellectual property; health; safety; environmental and labor standards regulation; and the role of developing countries in the trading system. Discussion is rooted by useful reference points to basic sources throughout. Written with the insight of 25 years' experience in the study of international trade law, this unique book makes a valuable addition to the literature and will be an indispensable reference point. It will be essential reading for students in law and a vital resource for those in economics, political science and international relations. Non-specialist scholars and policy advisors will benefit from the book's comprehensive and discerning exploration of the principles of international trade law.