Популярные книги |
16 марта 2016 |
№ 150100344 |
Автор: admin :: Просмотров: 248 |
ОписаниеJingles Christmas Adventure Level 3. Jingle, one of Santas elves, disappointed by the childrens selfishness, sets off for an adventure in the world of humans. On meeting Charlie his hopes will be raised again. The series is aimed at young learners of English and consists of six carefully graded levels. These charming short stories will make reading both pleasurable and educational. Use of basic grammatical structures and limited vocabulary. Glossy detailed illustrations on each page. Simple activities and a picture glossary every four pages. Fully dramatised version of the story and picture glossary on Audio CD / CD-ROM. Song Instructions for staging a performance of the story provided in the Teacher’s Book.
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(голосов: 8) |
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