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Infanata » OMERO
Название: L'ILIADE
Издательство: CIDEB
Год:  2008
Страниц:  96
Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 3.36 mb
Elena, the most beautiful woman in the world, has been kidnapped by Paride and taken to Troy. To get her back, Menelao, her husband and the king of Spartan, gather together the Greek sovereigns and princes and declare war on Troy. We will see heroic warriors in action, we will develop a fondness for the adventures of the king and the commanders, we will follow the actions of strong and brave men, and we will observe the bad tempers of the fickle but powerful gods, who intervene in the fate of the characters. With a war which lasts ten long years as a backdrop, we can pick out some values which continue throughout time, such as friendship, honour, love and mutual respect. The text is accompanied by numerous activities and a short dossier on the Greek world.
Название: L'ODISSEA
Издательство: CIDEB
Год:  2008
Страниц:  96
Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 3.36 mb
The war of Troy has finished and Ulisse leaves to return home, to Itaca. It proves to be a very long journey during which the hero has to deal with many kinds of danger and threat: giants with only one ear, beautiful women who enchant sailors... One of the most famous stories in the world, told in a language which is simple but at the same time faithful to the original. A passionate and moving story about a man who fights against fate and who wins in the end thanks to his courage and intelligence. A series of comprehension activities, activities to study the characters in more detail and dossiers about the author and the places, accompany the text.