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The Demonologist
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2014
Страниц:  352
Формат: DOC
Размер: 8.80 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
Winner of the 2014 International Thriller Writers Award for Best Novel. The unsettling, unique and utterly compelling new novel from the bestselling author of LOST GIRLS. Professor David Ullman is a world authority on demonic literature. So when offered a luxury trip to Venice to consult on a 'phenomenon' he accepts, taking his daughter, Tess, with him. But in Venice, things take a sinister, terrifying turn when a man speaks in the voice of David's dead father, repeating the last words he ever spoke to his son. Then Tess disappears before his eyes. Yet as she falls into the waters of the Grand Canal, she pleads with her father: 'Find me...'
Star Sullivan
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  106
Формат: PDF
Размер: 3.71 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
Molly Sullivan said that the new baby was a little star. She was no trouble at all and she was always smiling... so she became known as Star and no one remembered that her name was Oona. Star Sullivan just wanted everyone to be happy — her father to stop gambling, her mother not to work so hard, her brother to stay out of trouble, her sister to stop worrying about every little thing she ate. Then the Hale family moved in next door, and from the moment Star saw 23-year-old Laddy Hale, everything began to change — until Star was no longer the sweet, thoughtful girl everyone loved and no one worried about...
Turtle Recall: The Discworld Companion: So Far
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  368
Формат: DjVu
Размер: 1.00 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
The Discworld is a flat world balanced on the backs of four elephants which, in turn, stand on the back of a giant turtle. And like any world, the Discworld is not always predictable — in fact, it's distinctly UNpredictable, what with rivers you could skateboard across (if they weren't so knobbly) and points of raw magic that'd turn a body inside out soon as look at it... For safety's sake, you need a guide to lead you through the highways and byways of this extraordinary world — how else will you find out where to get the best curry in Ankh-Morpork, or if the rumours about XXXX, the lost continent, are true? There were once five. Klatchian Curry Gardens, corner of God Street & Blood Alley. PS Don't use the kitchen entrance. They are.
Best Served Cold
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  768
Формат: PDF
Размер: 26.88 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
Springtime in Styria. And that means war. There have been nineteen years of blood. The ruthless Grand Duke Orso is locked in a vicious struggle with the squabbling League of Eight, and between them they have bled the land white. While armies march, heads roll and cities burn, behind the scenes bankers, priests and older, darker powers play a deadly game to choose who will be king. War may be hell but for Monza Murcatto, the Snake of Talins, the most feared and famous mercenary in Duke Orso's employ, it's a damn good way of making money too. Her victories have made her popular — a shade too popular for her employer's taste. Betrayed, thrown down a mountain and left for dead, Murcatto's reward is a broken body and a burning hunger for vengeance. Whatever the cost, seven men must die. Her allies include Styria's least reliable drunkard, Styria's most treacherous poisoner, a mass-murderer obsessed with numbers and a Northman who just wants to do the right thing. Her enemies number the better half of the nation. And that's all before the most dangerous man in the world is dispatched to hunt her down and finish the job Duke Orso started... Springtime in Styria. And that means revenge.
The Heroes
Название: THE HEROES
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  704
Формат: PDF
Размер: 24.64 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
They say Black Dow's killed more men than winter, and clawed his way to the throne of the North up a hill of skulls. The King of the Union, ever a jealous neighbour, is not about to stand smiling by while he claws his way any higher. The orders have been given and the armies are toiling through the northern mud. Thousands of men are converging on a forgotten ring of stones, on a worthless hill, in an unimportant valley, and they've brought a lot of sharpened metal with them. Bremer dan Gorst, disgraced master swordsman, has sworn to reclaim his stolen honour on the battlefield. Obsessed with redemption and addicted to violence, he's far past caring how much blood gets spilled in the attempt. Even if it's his own. Prince Calder isn't interested in honour, and still less in getting himself killed. All he wants is power, and he'll tell any lie, use any trick, and betray any friend to get it. Just as long as he doesn't have to fight for it himself. Curnden Craw, the last honest man in the North, has gained nothing from a life of warfare but swollen knees and frayed nerves. He hardly even cares who wins any more, he just wants to do the right thing. But can he even tell what that is with the world burning down around him? Over three bloody days of battle, the fate of the North will be decided. But with both sides riddled by intrigues, follies, feuds and petty jealousies, it is unlikely to be the noblest hearts, or even the strongest arms that prevail. Three men. One battle. No Heroes.
The Armageddon Rag
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  384
Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 13.44 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
Onetime underground journalist Sandy Blair has traveled far from his radical roots in the 60s-until the bizarre and brutal murder of a millionaire rock promoter draws him back. As Sandy sets out to investigate the crime, he finds himself on a magical mystery tour of the pent-up passions of his generation. For a new messiah has resurrected the once legendary rock band Nazgul — but with an apocalyptic new beat that is a requiem of demonism, mind control, and death only Sandy may be able to change in time...
A Horrid Factbook: Kings and Queens
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  96
Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 3.36 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
Packed with freaky facts and random trivia, this is the perfect guide to everything you ever wanted to know (and lots of things you might never have wanted to know) about KINGS AND QUEENS — Horrid Henry style!
The Bourne Imperative
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  484
Формат: PDF
Размер: 16.94 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
When Jason Bourne pulls a drowning man from a lake, he discovers that the man is not only freezing — but bleeding profusely from a gun-shot wound. He wakes as an amnesiac, with no memory of who he is or why he was shot — and Bourne is eerily reminded of his own past. Meanwhile, Mossad agent Rebekah is so determined to find this man that she's gone off the grid, cut her ties to her agency, and risks a summary execution if caught by her former colleagues. Back in the U.S., Treadstone operatives Peter Marks and Soraya Moore are recovering from their last mission which left both of them critically injured. Finally cleared for duty, they discover a new man assigned to their team: Dick Richards. But can they trust Richards, or does he have a secret mission all of his own? Everything turns on the mysterious amnesiac. Will Bourne learn his identity or will other, more powerful, forces get to him first?
A Sea Change
Название: A SEA CHANGE
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  90
Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 3.15 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
Jenna is known as The Ice Cream Girl. She doesn't mind the name one bit. After all, it's a happy name, and there are far worse jobs than selling ice creams on Everdene beach. Craig spends as much time as he can at the beach hut in Everdene he rents with a few of his mates. As a policeman, it is a restful change from his daily life, and he's surfing mad. One weekend he's down there on his own when he notices a girl on the beach. He's young, free and single and she catches his eye. But on this particular summer weekend, both Jenna and Craig's lives are about to change...
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  336
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.76 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
Sookie has a murder investigation on her hands. A young girl has died at a vampire party — and it looks as though her lover, Eric, might be responsible. Eric swears he didn't do it, the police don't believe him, and even Sookie isn't so sure. Nor is she inclined to take his word for it, not having caught him enjoying the victim's blood minutes before she was killed. But something strange is going on. Why had Sookie been asked to come to the fateful party a few minutes early — just to catch Eric in the act? And why had the victim spiked her blood before approaching Eric? Was it simply because she wanted to be irresistible, or was it something more sinister? Sookie will have to find out... but it's the worst moment to investigate, as her Fae family are having troubles of their own and Sookie is, inevitably, drawn in. And there is one last complication. The cluviel dor her grandmother left her. It will grant her one wish, which could fulfil Sookie's heart's desire. The only problem is, she still doesn't know what — or who — her heart truly desires...
Eleanor and Park
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  336
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.76 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
Eleanor is the new girl in town, and she's never felt more alone. All mismatched clothes, mad red hair and chaotic home life, she couldn't stick out more if she tried. Then she takes the seat on the bus next to Park. Quiet, careful and — in Eleanor's eyes — impossibly cool, Park's worked out that flying under the radar is the best way to get by. Slowly, steadily, through late-night conversations and an ever-growing stack of mix tapes, Eleanor and Park fall in love. They fall in love the way you do the first time, when you're 16, and you have nothing and everything to lose. Set over the course of one school year in 1986, Eleanor and Park is funny, sad, shocking and true — an exquisite nostalgia trip for anyone who has never forgotten their first love.
Defending Jacob
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  421
Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 14.74 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
Andy Barber's job is to put killers behind bars. And when a boy from his son Jacob's school is found stabbed to death, Andy is doubly determined to find and prosecute the perpetrator. Until a crucial piece of evidence turns up linking Jacob to the murder. And suddenly Andy and his wife find their son accused of being a cold-blooded killer. In the face of every parent's worst nightmare, they will do anything to defend their child. Because, deep down, they know him better than anyone. Don't they?
The Prisoner of Heaven
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  320
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.20 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
The Prisoner of Heaven returns to the world of the Cemetery of Forgotten Books and the Sempere & Sons bookshop. It begins just before Christmas in Barcelona in 1957, one year after Daniel and Bea from The Shadow of the Wind have married. They now have a son, Julian, and are living with Daniel's father at Sempere & Sons. Fermin still works with them and is busy preparing for his wedding to Bernarda in the New Year. However something appears to be bothering him. Daniel is alone in the shop one morning when a mysterious figure with a pronounced limp enters. He spots one of their most precious volumes that is kept locked in a glass cabinet, a beautiful and unique illustrated edition of The Count of Monte Cristo. Despite the fact that the stranger seems to care little for books, he wants to buy this expensive edition. Then, to Daniel's surprise, the man inscribes the book with the words To Fermin Romero de Torres, who came back from the dead and who holds the key to the future. This visit leads back to a story of imprisonment, betrayal and the return of a deadly rival...
Gods and Beasts
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  304
Формат: DOC
Размер: 7.60 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
A grandfather brutally murdered in a post office raid. A corrupt politician fighting for his future. A police force up for sale. Three crimes leading to one question — who really runs Glasgow? Recently returned to work after the birth of her twins, DS Alex Morrow is called in to head the murder enquiry. The grandfather had helped the gunmen before being shot — was as it a moment of madness, a noble act of self-sacrifice, or did the old man and his killer share a dark past? One city, three crimes and a powerful connection that runs from Glasgow's dark criminal underworld to the international spheres of the super rich.
The Crown
Название: THE CROWN
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  496
Формат: PDF
Размер: 17.36 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
London, May 1537. As those closest to the throne are locked in a fierce fight against those desperate to save England's monasteries from destruction, young Joanna Stafford faces a far more personal battle. When Joanna learns her cousin is about to be burned at the stake for rebelling against Henry VIII, she makes a decision that will change not only her life, but quite possibly the fate of a nation. It will mean turning her back on everything she knows, for Joanna is a novice at Dartford Priory — and to save her family, she must break the sacred rule of enclosure. But running away is only the first transgression. From the Tower of London, to secret assignations and from Stonehenge to the royal court — Joanna becomes entangled with a secret whose deadly past stretches farther back than anyone had imagined. As her mission draws a trail in blood from the last whispered words of a queen to a pattern of unnatural deaths in the royal lineage, Joanna must determine who to trust, and how far she's willing to go to protect her life, her family and everything she holds dear.
Young Elizabeth: The Making of Our Queen
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  336
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.76 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
We can hardly imagine a Britain without Elizabeth II on the throne. It seems to be the job she was born for. And yet for much of her early life the young princess did not know the role that her future would hold. She was our accidental Queen. As a young girl, Elizabeth was among the guests in Westminster Abbey watching her father being crowned, making her the only monarch to have attended a parent's coronation. Kate Williams explores the sheltered upbringing of the young princess with a gentle father and domineering mother, her complicated relationship with her sister, Princess Margaret, and her dependence on her nanny, Marion 'Crawfie' Crawford. She details the profound and devastating impact of the abdication crisis when, at the impressionable age of 11, Elizabeth found her position changed overnight: no longer a minor princess she was now heiress to the throne. Elizabeth's determination to share in the struggles of her people marked her out from a young age. Her father initially refused to let her volunteer as a nurse during the Blitz, but relented when she was 18 and allowed her to work as a mechanic and truck driver for the Women's Auxiliary Territorial Service. It was her forward-thinking approach that ensured that her coronation was televised, against the advice of politicians at the time. Kate Williams reveals how the 25-year-old young queen carved out a lasting role for herself amid the changes of the 20th century. Her monarchy would be a very different one to that of her parents and grandparents, and its continuing popularity in the 21st century owes much to the intelligence and elusive personality of this remarkable woman.
The Hidden Cottage
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  448
Формат: DOC
Размер: 11.20 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
Family life for Mia Channing has always been a carefully orchestrated balancing act. Her husband, Jeff, sees himself as the Larger than Life Patriarch and has always assigned their grown up children very specific roles. Jensen, the eldest, is the Unlovable Awkward One; Eliza, the Distant Smart One; and Daisy, the baby of the family, is the Special One. Mia's own role is that of Devoted Wife and Mediator. When Jensen makes a rare visit home to the village of Little Pelham to celebrate his thirtieth birthday, he brings with him his latest girlfriend and her daughter in tow, his sister Daisy seizes the opportunity to drop the bombshell that she's moving to Australia. It's an evening that marks a turning point in all their lives... Meanwhile yet more change is in the air with the arrival in Little Pelham of wealthy, divorced Owen Fletcher. His return to live in The Hidden Cottage, a place that holds special memories for him, forces Mia to confront the role she's played all these years and to take the risk, finally, of being true to herself.
The Stranger's Magic
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  320
Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.20 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
Max Frei has discovered that the one place he really fits in is the parallel world of Echo. In our world he's a loser, an insomniac with dubious social skills and an addiction to cigarettes. But in Echo, the reality is far stranger. There he is Sir Max, a superb magician and one of the powerful few chosen to defend the land against all possible enemies. And he's finally happy. But when one of his esteemed Knight colleagues tells Max of a strange dream — one that seems disturbingly familiar to Max — Max realises he will have to investigate. The subsequent series of events will remind our hero — and the people he protects — just how tenuous happiness can be. It could be his most dangerous mission yet, but The Stranger's Magic may win him through.
Red Country
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  624
Формат: PDF
Размер: 21.84 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
'Joe Abercrombie is doing some terrific work' George R. R. Martin, author of GAME OF THRONES. They burned her home. They stole her brother and sister. But vengeance is following. Shy South hoped to bury her bloody past and ride away smiling, but she'll have to sharpen up some bad old ways to get her family back, and she's not a woman to flinch from what needs doing. She sets off in pursuit with only a pair of oxen and her cowardly old stepfather Lamb for company. But it turns out Lamb's buried a bloody past of his own, and out in the lawless Far Country, the past never stays buried. Their journey will take them across the barren plains to a frontier town gripped by gold fever, through feud, duel and massacre, high into the unmapped mountains to a reckoning with the Ghosts. Even worse, it will force them into alliance with Nicomo Cosca, infamous soldier of fortune, and his feckless lawyer Temple, two men no one should ever have to trust... The past never stays buried...
Robin Hood
Название: ROBIN HOOD
Издательство: Orion Books
Год:  2013
Страниц:  24
Формат: PDF
Размер: 0.84 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
From mediaeval times to modern day, people have been endlessly fascinated by tales of the famous outlaw who allegedly robbed the rich to give to the poor. But who was Robin Hood really — aristocrat or commoner; hero or villain? Where did he really come from? Sheffield and Yorkshire claim him as their own son as much as Nottinghamshire ever did. Myths abound and in this book, with all the humour, affection and gently mocking criticism of the bestselling NESSIE, Richard Brassey gently pokes fun at the falsehoods while pursuing what appears to be the truth.