Популярные книги |
06 мая 2015 |
№ 140022668 |

Название: Summit 1 with ActiveBook and MyEnglishLab
Автор: Saslow Joan M.
Издательство: Pearson
Год издания: 2012 Страниц: 146
Жанр: Pearson |
ОписаниеSummit helps the high-intermediate learner continue to grow through a balanced development of both fluency and accuracy. Summit offers a unique conversational syllabus and extensive opportunities for discussion, debate, presentations, and projects as well as contextualized grammar review, expansion, and practice. Summit prepares students for academic study through development of word skills, reading and listening skills and strategies, and critical thinking. The second edition offers both online and offline solutions with the following new technology: ActiveBook Each Student's Book includes the digital course book with the complete audio program and extensive extra practice in all skill areas, including reading, listening, and speaking. Printable reading glossaries, can-do Self-Assessment charts, and more. ActiveTeach Each Teacher's Edition and Lesson Planner includes the digital Student's Book with interactive whiteboard tools for zooming in, writing, highlighting, and more — with a save option. Instant access to the complete audio program and Summit TV video program. Extensive printable resources including extension activities, Summit TV activity worksheets, workbook answer keys, and audioscripts. MyEnglishLab: Summit A powerful online learning tool for personalized practice and assessment — an available option to complement the Student's Book. Assign activities and track student and class progress. Also includes Summit TV video online with activities.
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