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Автор: Paul S. Kemp
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2025 Страниц: 368 Формат: DjVu
Размер: 1.00 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
When the Emperor and his notorious apprentice, Darth Vader, find themselves stranded in the middle of insurgent action on an inhospitable planet, they must rely on each other, the Force, and their own ruthlessness to prevail. It appears things are as you suspected, Lord Vader. We are indeed hunted. Anakin Skywalker, Jedi Knight, is just a memory. Darth Vader, newly anointed Sith Lord, is ascendant. The Emperor's chosen apprentice has swiftly proven his loyalty to the dark side. Still, the history of the Sith Order is one of duplicity, betrayal, and acolytes violently usurping their Masters — and the truest measure of Vader's allegiance has yet to be taken. Until now. On Ryloth, a planet crucial to the growing Empire as a source of slave labor and the narcotic known as spice, an aggressive resistance movement has arisen, led by Cham Syndulla, an idealistic freedom fighter, and Isval, a vengeful former slave. But Emperor Palpatine means to control the embattled world and its precious resources — by political power or firepower — and he will be neither intimidated nor denied. Accompanied by his merciless disciple, Darth Vader, he sets out on a rare personal mission to ensure his will is done. For Syndulla and Isval, it's the opportunity to strike at the very heart of the ruthless dictatorship sweeping the galaxy. And for the Emperor and Darth Vader, Ryloth becomes more than just a matter of putting down an insurrection: When an ambush sends them crashing to the planet's surface, where inhospitable terrain and an army of resistance fighters await them, they will find their relationship tested as never before. With only their lightsabers, the dark side of the Force, and each other to depend on, the two Sith must decide if the brutal bond they share will make them victorious allies or lethal adversaries.

Автор: Steel Danielle
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2025 Страниц: 416 Формат: DjVu
Размер: 1.00 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Автор: vektos
:: Просмотров: 6081

Автор: Gabaldon Diana
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2025 Страниц: 976 Формат: DjVu
Размер: 1.00 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
This is The Second Novel In The Bestselling Outlander Series — now a major new TV series. For twenty years Claire Randall has kept her secrets. But now she is returning with her grown daughter to the majesty of Scotland's mist-shrouded hills. Here Claire plans to reveal a truth as stunning as the events that gave it birth: about the mystery of an ancient circle of standing stones, about a love that transcends the boundaries of time, and about James Fraser, a warrior whose gallantry once drew the young Claire from the security of her century to the dangers of his. Now a legacy of blood and desire will test her beautiful daughter as Claire's spellbinding journey continues in the intrigue-ridden court of Charles Edward Stuart, in a race to thwart a doomed uprising, and in a desperate fight to save both the child and the man she loves.

Автор: Winter Claudia
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2025 Страниц: 411 Формат: DOC
Размер: 10.28 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Verrückt, romantisch, köstlich – eine Liebeskomödie aus der Heimat des Dolce Vita. Das Leben der jungen Foodjournalistin Hanna könnte so wunderbar sein. Hätte sie nur nicht diese Restaurantkritik geschrieben, wegen der eine italienische Gutsherrin einen Herzinfarkt erlitten hat! Als sie dann auch noch versehentlich in den Besitz der Urne gelangt, reist die von Schuldgefühlen geplagte Hanna nach Italien – und wird zum unfreiwilligen Opfer eines Testaments, das es in sich hat. Denn selbst über ihren Tod hinaus verfolgt Giuseppa Camini nur ein Ziel: ihren unleidlichen Enkel Fabrizio endlich in den Hafen der Ehe zu steuern. Eine Aufgabe, die ein ganzes toskanisches Dorf in Atem hält, ein Familiendrama heraufbeschwört und Hannas Gefühlswelt komplett durcheinanderwirbelt!
Автор: almalm
:: Просмотров: 1146

Автор: Seethaler Robert
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2025 Страниц: 184 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 6.44 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Als Andreas Egger in das Tal kommt, in dem er sein Leben verbringen wird, ist er vier Jahre alt, ungefähr — so genau weiß das keiner. Er wächst zu einem gestandenen Hilfsknecht heran und schließt sich als junger Mann einem Arbeitstrupp an, der eine der ersten Bergbahnen baut und mit der Elektrizität auch das Licht und den Lärm in das Tal bringt. Dann kommt der Tag, an dem Egger zum ersten Mal vor Marie steht, der Liebe seines Lebens, die er jedoch wieder verlieren wird. Erst viele Jahre später, als Egger seinen letzten Weg antritt, ist sie noch einmal bei ihm. Und er, über den die Zeit längst hinweggegangen ist, blickt mit Staunen auf die Jahre, die hinter ihm liegen.

Автор: Link Scharlotte
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2025 Страниц: 319 Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.17 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Auf eindringliche Weise berichtet Bestsellerautorin Charlotte Link von der Krankheit und dem Sterben ihrer Schwester Franziska. Es ist nicht nur das persönlichste Werk der Schriftstellerin, sondern auch die berührende Schilderung der jahrelang ständig präsenten Angst, einen über alles geliebten Menschen verlieren zu müssen. Charlotte Link beschreibt den Klinikalltag in Deutschland, das Zusammentreffen mit großartigen, engagierten Ärzten, aber auch mit solchen, deren Verhalten schaudern lässt und Angst macht. Und sie plädiert dafür, die Hoffnung nie aufzugeben — denn nur sie verleiht die Kraft zu kämpfen.

Автор: Herrmann Elisabeth
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2025 Страниц: 446 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 15.61 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Ein Mord, eine geheimnisvolle junge Frau in Tel Aviv und Anwalt Joachim Vernau im Visier eines gnadenlosen Killers. Berlin, 2015. Anwalt Vernau erwacht im Krankenhaus und kann sich an nichts mehr erinnern. Dafür ist er der Held von Berlin: In einer U-Bahnstation hat er mehrere Männer in die Flucht geschlagen, die einen älteren Herrn bedrängt haben. Aber wer ist die junge Frau mit dem Davidstern, die seitdem durch seine Erinnerung geistert? Und was hat sie mit den schrecklichen Morden zu tun, die sich wenig später ereignen? Als Vernau der schönen Unbekannten zu nahe kommt, wendet sich das Blatt: plötzlich steht er unter Mordverdacht. In letzter Sekunde kann er das Land verlassen, sein Ziel: Tel Aviv. In der brodelnden Metropole am Mittelmeer sucht er nach dem einzigen Menschen, der ihn entlasten kann — und wird hinabgezogen in den Strudel eines vergessenen Verbrechens, das sich vor über dreißig Jahren in einem Kibbuz in Israel ereignet hat...
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 1994

Автор: Robert D. Kaplan
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2025 Страниц: 320 Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.20 mb
Жанр: Прочие издания

Название: MAESTRA
Автор: L.S. Hilton
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2025 Страниц: 309 Формат: PDF
Размер: 10.82 mb
Жанр: Прочие издания

Автор: Packer Tina
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2025 Страниц: 352 Формат: DOC
Размер: 8.80 mb
Жанр: Прочие издания
«Women of Will» is a fierce and funny exploration of Shakespeare s understanding of the feminine. Tina Packer, one of our foremost Shakespeare experts, shows that Shakespeare began, in his early comedies, by writing women as shrews to be tamed or as sweet little things with no independence of thought. The women of the history plays are much more interesting, beginning with Joan of Arc. Then, with the extraordinary Juliet, there is a dramatic shift: suddenly Shakespeare's women have depth, motivation, and understanding of life more than equal to that of the men. As Shakespeare ceases to write women as predictable caricatures and starts writing them from the inside, his women become as dimensional, spirited, spiritual, active, and sexual as any of his male characters. Wondering if Shakespeare had fallen in love (Packer considers with whom, and what she may have been like), the author observes that from Juliet on, Shakespeare's characters demonstrate that when women and men are equal in status and passion, they can and do change the world.»

Автор: Steiker Valerie
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2025 Страниц: 64 Формат: PDF
Размер: 2.24 mb
Жанр: Прочие издания
In this first-ever coloring book from American Vogue, you are invited into a world of fashion fantasy. Twenty-six archival covers from 1912 to 1932, by ten celebrated illustrators living here and abroad, take you back to a more playful and whimsical moment of boas, bows, hats and headpieces, fans, pearls and gloves, and even some exotic wild animals. These glamorous years represent two decades of brilliant design and changes in dressing and accessories to embellish in your own way. Coloring book fans of all ages can try their hand on these imaginative, elegant, and lively drawings of women dressed for the task at hand, whether it is driving their own car, pruning morning glories in the garden, feeding a dragon, steering a gondola, hanging out in a crescent moon, or riding a peacock or zebra — side-saddle, of course. The Vogue woman as liberated, stylish, and always dressed for adventure.

Автор: Justin Richards
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2015 Страниц: 256 Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.96 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
'For a few moments this afternoon, it rained on the moon'. An astronaut in full spacesuit appears out of thin air in a busy shopping centre. Maybe it's a publicity stunt. A photo shows a well-dressed woman in a red coat lying dead at the edge of a crater on the dark side of the moon — beside her beloved dog 'Poochie'. Maybe it's a hoax. But as the Doctor and Amy find out, these are just minor events in a sinister plan to take over every human being on earth. The plot centres on a secret military base on the moon — that's where Amy and the TARDIS are. The Doctor is back on Earth, and without the TARDIS there's no way he can get to the moon to save Amy and defeat the aliens. Or is there? The Doctor discovers one last great secret that could save humanity: Apollo 23. This is a thrilling, all new adventure featuring the Doctor and Amy, as played by Matt Smith and Karen Gillan in the spectacular hit series from BBC Television.
Автор: ln2121
:: Просмотров: 697

Автор: Hemingway Ernest
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2015 Страниц: 112 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 3.92 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Set in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Havana, Hemingway's magnificent fable is the story of an old man, a young boy and a giant fish. It was The Old Man and the Sea that won for Hemingway the Noble Prize for Literature. Here, is a perfectly crafted story is a unique and timeless vision of the beauty and grief of man's challenge to the elements in which he lives.

Автор: Michalowski Mark
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2015 Страниц: 256 Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.96 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
For Donna Noble, the Andromeda galaxy is a long, long way from home. But even two-and-a-half-million light years from Earth, danger lurks around every corner... A visit to an art gallery turns into a race across space to uncover the secret behind a shadowy organization. From the desert world of Karris to the interplanetary scrapyard of Junk, the Doctor and Donna discover that appearances can be deceptive, that enemies are lurking around every corner, and that the centuries-long peace between humans and machines may be about to come to an end... because waiting in the wings to bring chaos to the galaxy is The Cult of Shining Darkness!

Автор: Patterson James
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2015 Страниц: 336 Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.76 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Rafe Khatchadorian, the hero of the bestselling Middle School series, is ready for a fun summer at camp — until he finds out it's a summer school camp! Luckily, Rafe easily makes friends with his troublemaking cabin mates and bunkmate, a boy nicknamed Booger Eater, who puts up with endless teasing from the other kids. Rafe soon realises there's more to a person than a nickname, though, and Booger Eater might be the kind of friend you want on your side when the boys from the Cool Cabin attack. This fourth book in the massively popular Middle School series is an unforgettable summer of hi-jinks, new friends, and surprises, all told with the hilarity and honesty readers have come to expect from blockbuster author James Patterson.

Автор: Patterson James
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2015 Страниц: 288 Формат: PDF
Размер: 10.08 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
After sixth grade, the very worst year of his life, Rafe Khatchadorian thinks he has it made in seventh grade. He's been accepted to art school in the big city and imagines a math-and-history-free fun zone. Wrong! It's more competitive than Rafe ever expected, and to score big in class, he needs to find a way to turn his boring life into the inspiration for a work of art. His method? Operation: Get a Life! Anything he's never done before, he's going to do it, from learning to play poker to going to a modern art museum. But when his newest mission uncovers secrets about the family Rafe's never known, he has to decide if he's ready to have his world turned upside down. James Patterson's winning follow-up to Middle School: The Worst Years of My Life is another riotous and heart-warming story about living large.

Автор: Patterson James
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2015 Страниц: 304 Формат: DOC
Размер: 7.60 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Georgia Khatchadorian plans to excel at Hills Village Middle School in all the places her troublemaking brother failed. She's even bet him that she'll quickly become one of the most popular girls in school. But Rafe left a big mark at HVMS, and no one will give Georgia a chance! Even worse, Rafe has sneakily signed up her band to play at the school dance, and she's terrified to embarrass herself in front of the snooty 'Princesses' who run the school and the boy who's caught her eye. Will she be able to overcome her fears and win her bet with Rafe? Find out The Truth about Rafe Khatchadorian's sister in the first Middle School story from the point of view of the hilarious Georgia — a girl who's ready to speak her mind!
Автор: studnn
:: Просмотров: 199

Название: ELMER
Автор: McKee David
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2015 Страниц: 32 Формат: PDF
Размер: 1.12 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Elmer the colourful patchwork elephant has been a nursery favourite since this first book was published in 1989. A modern classic, this picture book is known to millions, and continues to be the strongest seller of the whole series, having sold over 2 million copies around the world. The subtle message is that it is OK to be different, and combined with the vibrant colour and cheeky humour of the main character, this small edition is a celebration of its continued popularity.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 0

Автор: Murakami Haruki
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2015 Формат: PDF
Размер: 3.92 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
Tsukuru Tazaki had four best friends at school. By chance all of their names contained a colour. The two boys were called Akamatsu, meaning red pine, and Oumi, blue sea, while the girls names were Shirane, white root, and Kurono, black field. Tazaki was the only last name with no colour in it. One day Tsukuru Tazakis friends announced that they didnt want to see him, or talk to him, ever again. Since that day Tsukuru has been floating through life, unable to form intimate connections with anyone. But then he meets Sara, who tells him that the time has come to find out what happened all those years ago.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 1993

Автор: Hawkins Paula
Издательство: Random House, Inc.
Год: 2015 Страниц: 320 Формат: PDF
Размер: 11.20 mb
Жанр: Random House, Inc.
The Girl On The Train was so thrilling and tense and wildly unpredictable, it sucked up my entire afternoon. I simply could not put it down. Not to be missed! (Tess Gerritsen). To everyone else in this carriage I must look normal; I'm doing exactly what they do: commuting to work, making appointments, ticking things off lists. Just goes to show. Rachel takes the same commuter train every morning and every evening. Every day she passes the same Victorian terraces, stops at the same signal, and sees the same couple, breakfasting on their roof terrace. Jason and Jess seem so happy together. Then one day Rachel sees something she shouldn't have seen, and soon after, Jess disappears. Suddenly Rachel is chasing the truth and unable to trust anyone. Not even herself. Tense, taut, twisty and surprising... The Girl on the Train creeps right under your skin and stays there.