Популярные книги |
7 декабря 2010 |
№ 146902965 |
Автор: admin :: Просмотров: 0 |
ОписаниеEssential Natural Science is a secondary school course that teaches Natural Science though the medium of English. Topics such as: The Earth's Atmosphere, Atoms and Elements, The Universe and Vertebrates are presented in clear and easy to understand language which enables students to grasp key points. Research tasks and stimulating activities help learners develop valuable skills and reflect on their learning process. Contains clear simple presentations of key concepts. Includes a wide variety of activities including research and hands-on experiments. Provides full language support through special sections and glossary. The Teacher's Resource material includes: CD-ROMs with Power Point presentations, webquests and audio and activity sheets. The Student's CD-ROM includes: audio tracks, webtasks and activities.
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