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Описание«British artist Tacita Dean (b.1965) will be the twelfth artist to transform the spectacular Turbine Hall space at Tate Modern as part of «The Unilever» series, through which, since 2000, over 25 million people have experienced some of the most remarkable and original installations in contemporary art. Although Dean originally trained as a painter, and works in a variety of media including drawing, photography and sound, she is best known for her use of 16 mm film. Dean's films avoid conventional narratives, capturing instead a sense of history, time and place. She was nominated for the Turner Prize in 1998 for her film «Disappearance at Sea», which focused on the story of yachtsman Donald Crowhurst, who vanished mysteriously during a round-the-world race. She won the Kurt Schwitters Prize in 2009 and the Hugo Boss award in 2007, and has had many solo shows internationally. She lives and works in Berlin.»
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