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Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2012 Страниц: 176 Формат: PDF
Размер: 6.16 mb
Жанр: Wiley
This concise paperback is one of the best known guides to writing a paper for publication in biomedical journals. Its straightforward format — a chapter covering each of part of the structured abstract — makes it relevant and easy to use for any novice paper writer. How to Write a Paper addresses the mechanics of submission, including electronic submission, and how publishers handle papers, writing letters to journals abstracts for scientific meetings, and assessing papers. This new edition also covers how to write a book review and updated chapters on ethics, electronic publication and submission, and the movement for open access.

Автор: Scudder Virgil
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2012 Страниц: 218 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 7.63 mb
Жанр: Wiley

Автор: Sciacca Christine
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2012 Страниц: 448 Формат: DOC
Размер: 11.20 mb
Жанр: Wiley
Florence and the Renaissance have become virtually synonymous, bringing to mind names like Dante, Giotto, Petrarch, Boccaccio, and many others whose creativity thrived during a time of unprecedented prosperity, urban expansion, and intellectual innovation. With more than 200 illustrations, Florence at the Dawn of the Renaissance reveals the full complexity and enduring beauty of the art of this period, including panel paintings, illuminated manuscripts, and stained glass panels. The book considers not only the work of Giotto and other influential artists, including Bernardo Daddi, Taddeo Gaddi, and Pacino di Bonaguida, but also that of the larger community of illuminators and panel painters who collectively contributed to Florence's artistic legacy. It places particular emphasis on those artists who worked in both panel painting and manuscript illumination, and presents new conservation research and scientific analyses that shed light on artists' techniques and workshop practices of the times. Reunited here for the first time are twenty-six leaves of the most important illuminated manuscript commission of the period: the Laudario of Sant' Agnese. The splendor of this book of hymns exemplifies the spiritual and artistic aspirations of early Renaissance Florence. A major exhibition on this subject will be on view at the J. Paul Getty Museum November 13, 2012, through February 10, 2013, and at the Art Gallery of Ontario March 16, 2013, through June 16, 2013. Contributors to this volume include Roy S. Berns, Eve Borsook, Bryan Keene, Francesca Pasut, Catherine Schmidt Patterson, Alan Phenix, Laura Rivers, Victor M. Schmidt, Alexandra Suda, Yvonne Szafran, Karen Trentelman, and Nancy Turner.
Автор: c1247
:: Просмотров: 6865

Автор: Holland Louisa
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2012 Страниц: 1104 Формат: DjVu
Размер: 2.00 mb
Жанр: Wiley
A complete tutorial and reference for AutoCAD Civil 3D 2013 Autodesk's Civil 3D is the leading civil engineering software, and this reliable training guide has been thoroughly revised and updated to offer a fresh perspective on this powerful engineering package. Filled with illustrative examples, new datasets, and new tutorials, this book shows how elements of the dynamic engineering program work together and discusses the best methods for creating, editing, displaying, and labeling all of a civil engineering project's elements. The book's straightforward explanations, real-world examples, and practical tutorials focus squarely on teaching vital Civil 3D tips, tricks, and techniques. The authors' extensive real-world experience and Civil 3D expertise allows them to focus on how the software is used in real-world professional environments and present topics and techniques that are not documented elsewhere.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 2238

Автор: Lipson Hod
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2012 Страниц: 360 Формат: PDF
Размер: 12.60 mb
Жанр: Wiley
Until now, 3D printing has been stuff of research labs and DIY geek fairs, but it's ready for its debut the mainstream. 3D printers, combined with low-cost, user-friendly computer-aided design software and vibrant online communities and marketplaces, enable regular people to turn their ideas into real objects. Toy makers design historically accurate model trains from old photographs and print identical miniatures. Teachers and students bring book learning to life by sharing design files and 3D printing historical relics and models of human organs. Companies print prototypes of product ideas.And one doesn't have to own a printer to enjoy the fun. Similar to commercial print shops, a growing number of online 3D print services make the technology available to everyone. Consumers design (or select) their desired object, upload the file to the printer's web site, and the 3D print service fabricates in a wide range of materials, ranging from hard plastics, to silver, to spongy foam, to food. Written by the people bringing 3D printing to the masses, this book starts at the beginning, describing the market and machines. It then goes on to describe the software, the design and prototyping options, and how to integrate it all into your surroundings, be it at home, work, or school. It ends by discussing the future of this truly groundbreaking new industry. The book includes: Part I: the technology how they work, industrial and hobbyist models, softwarePart II: the businesses the marketplace, companies that sell services and host storefronts, design and prototyping companiesPart III: how to integrate and use 3D printing — to invent, design, teach, or eatPart IV: the future — the power of combining previously incompatible materials, intellectual property and consumer safetyThis is the first thorough introduction to this brave new world, brought to you by the people who are making it happen.

Автор: H. Woody Brock
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2012 Страниц: 304 Формат: DOC
Размер: 7.60 mb
Жанр: Wiley
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 2735

Автор: Sean Lang
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 440 Формат: PDF
Размер: 15.40 mb
Жанр: Wiley
This book is a riotous, irreverent account of the people and events that have shaped Britain. Always getting those kings and queens confused? Never sure what happened when? Then you need this book. Inside you'll find rip-roaring stories of power-mad kings, executions, invasions, high treason, global empire building, and forbidden love — not bad for a nation of stiff upper lips! * Revised and expanded to include the historical parliamentary elections of 2010 and the British mission in Afghanistan * Accompanied by access to a timeline and 'Who's Who in British History' section on dummies.com * This new edition contains an 8-page color insert so you can see who, what and where the ensuing historical action takes place.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 2486

Автор: Johnson David Kyle
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 400 Формат: PDF
Размер: 14.00 mb
Жанр: Wiley
A philosophical look at the movie Inception and its brilliant metaphysical puzzles Is the top still spinning? Was it all a dream? In the world of Christopher Nolan's four-time Academy Award-winning movie, people can share one another's dreams and alter their beliefs and thoughts. Inception is a metaphysical heist film that raises more questions than it answers: Can we know what is real? Can you be held morally responsible for what you do in dreams? What is the nature of dreams, and what do they tell us about the boundaries of self and other? From Plato to Aristotle and from Descartes to Hume, Inception and Philosophy draws from important philosophical minds to shed new light on the movie's captivating themes, including the one that everyone talks about: did the top fall down (and does it even matter)?
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 1491

Автор: Irwin William
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 240 Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.40 mb
Жанр: Wiley
The essential companion to Stieg Larsson's bestselling trilogy and director David Fincher's 2011 film adaptation Stieg Larsson's bestselling Millennium Trilogy — The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The Girl Who Played with Fire, and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest — is an international phenomenon. These books express Larsson's lifelong war against injustice, his ethical beliefs, and his deep concern for women's rights. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and Philosophy probes the compelling philosophical issues behind the entire trilogy. What philosophies do Lisbeth Salander and Kant have in common? To catch a criminal, can Lisbeth and Mikael be criminals themselves? Can revenge be ethical? Drawing on some of history's greatest philosophical minds, this book gives fresh insights into Larsson's ingeniously plotted tale of crime and corruption.
Автор: return
:: Просмотров: 4624

Автор: Goodrich Michael T.
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 744 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 26.04 mb
Жанр: Wiley
An updated, innovative approach to data structures and algorithms Written by an author team of experts in their fields, this authoritative guide demystifies even the most difficult mathematical concepts so that you can gain a clear understanding of data structures and algorithms in C++. The unparalleled author team incorporates the object-oriented design paradigm using C++ as the implementation language, while also providing intuition and analysis of fundamental algorithms. Offers a unique multimedia format for learning the fundamentals of data structures and algorithms Allows you to visualize key analytic concepts, learn about the most recent insights in the field, and do data structure design Provides clear approaches for developing programs Features a clear, easy-to-understand writing style that breaks down even the most difficult mathematical concepts Building on the success of the first edition, this new version offers you an innovative approach to fundamental data structures and algorithms.

Автор: Shim
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 307 Формат: PDF
Размер: 10.75 mb
Жанр: Wiley
Everything you need to quickly acquire a solid working knowledge of more than 3,000 essential real estate terms In real estate, as in any type of business, an undefined term at a critical moment can equal a missed opportunity, or worse. That's why you need a reliable, up-to-date resource that gives you instant access to definitions of every important term you're likely to encounter in the course of doing business. That's why you need the Dictionary of Real Estate. Accessible, practical, and easy to use, it defines more than 3,000 essential commercial and residential real estate terms from the areas of appraisals, escrow, investment, finance, accounting, law, agency and ethics, construction and architecture, property management, marketing, computers and software, and more.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 5221

Автор: English Larry P.
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 840 Формат: PDF
Размер: 29.40 mb
Жанр: Wiley
A sequel to Larry English's pioneering book Improving Data Warehouse and Business Information Quality, Business Information Quality Applied provides detailed, step-by-step examples to apply the general approach outlined in his first book to real business scenarios and specific business areas, including sales, marketing, customer care, finance, and human resources. Written by one of a very few leading authorities on information quality management, the book is designed to provide IT and database managers and business managers with reliable, quality information on which to make accurate business decisions.

Автор: Tyler Jason
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 464 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 16.24 mb
Жанр: Wiley
Google App Inventor for Android is the complete guide to App Inventor for Android, Google's new visual language for building mobile apps. With App Inventor, you program by piecing together blocks that represent the phone's functionality. Because it's like putting together a puzzle, even non-technical people can use App Inventor to create mobile apps. With App Inventor you don't need to write a single line of programming code, and can still create apps that take advantage of all of an Android smart phone's features including the accelerometer, GPS, messaging, contacts, the web and more. This book provides you with a series of fully worked out apps that you can create, download and use on your Android phone. Best of all, the apps come with complete source blocks, fully explained in easy to understand terms, which you can customize for your own use or use as a model for building the next killer app. The sample apps are accompanied by a section on App Inventor Designs Patterns that serves as an invaluable reference and explains computer science concepts in simple terms. Google App Inventor for Android is the perfect companion for your app exploration, and will have you creating your own Android apps in no time.
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 2921

Автор: Rizcallah Marcel
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 470 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 16.45 mb
Жанр: Wiley
A thorough introduction to the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) technology. The first part of this book offers a detailed overview of the real world applications of the technology. This is followed by an explanation of the technical details of LDAP and a step-by-step demonstration of how to implement an LDAP directory. The book's structure is designed to span the project manager and the specialist IT team and provide each with an understanding of the other's position. Proposes a methodology to help you implement this technology Includes a detailed case study: a global enterprise directory for an extranet Covers all compatible LDAP tools and explores the development of LDAP applications.

Автор: Bobrow Jerry
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 512 Формат: DjVu
Размер: 1.00 mb
Жанр: Wiley
CliffsNotes Math Review for Standardized Tests 2e provides an excellent and extensive overview of the areas of concern for most test-takers: Arithmetic Algebra Geometry Word Problems Strategies for Common Problem Types Unique Test-Type Problems: Math Ability, Quantitative Comparison, and Data Sufficiency.

Автор: Holzner Steven
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 384 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 13.44 mb
Жанр: Wiley
В наше время миллиарды пользователей носят в кармане портативные устройства, и в половине из них установлена операционная система Android. Даже если вы никогда не разрабатывали приложения для мобильных устройств, прочитав эту книгу, вы сможете воплотить свои невероятные идеи в современные приложения для платформы Android. Здесь вы найдете подробные инструкции по загрузке и установке среды разработки и созданию приложений для Android. Прочитайте книгу и станьте настоящим профессионалом!• Добро пожаловать в Android! Научитесь создавать современные приложения для Android, использовать инструменты разработки, работать с экранами мобильных устройств и организовывать процесс разработки.• Ваше приложение должно понравиться пользователям. Научитесь делать графический интерфейс приложения эстетически привлекательным и удобным для использования.• Научитесь программировать приложения. Ознакомьтесь с жизненным циклом приложения и стандартными библиотечными классами Android. Научитесь пользоваться отладчиком Eclipse и эмулятором портативных устройств.• Важны не только основы. Узнайте, как создавать приложения, взаимодействующие с базами данных SQLite и отображающие информацию на многих экранах.• Назначьте цену и продайте свою разработку. Научитесь определять правильную цену собственных приложений и публиковать их в онлайн-магазине Android Market для продажи миллионам пользователей.
Автор: geran
:: Просмотров: 4077

Автор: Castells Manuel
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 656 Формат: PDF (текст изображением)
Размер: 22.96 mb
Жанр: Wiley
This first book in Castells' groundbreaking trilogy, with a substantial new preface, highlights the economic and social dynamics of the information age and shows how the network society has now fully risen on a global scale. The new preface demonstrates the network society has now fully risen on a global scale. It is a groundbreaking volume on the impact of the age of information on all aspects of society. It includes coverage of the influence of the internet and the net-economy. It describes the accelerating pace of innovation and social transformation. It is based on research in the USA, Asia, Latin America, and Europe.
Автор: multik
:: Просмотров: 3083

Автор: Cesarini Francesco
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 496 Формат: PDF
Размер: 17.36 mb
Жанр: Wiley
Offers an explanation of Erlang, a programming language ideal for any situation where concurrency, fault-tolerance, and fast response is essential. This book focuses on the language`s syntax and semantics, and explains pattern matching, proper lists, recursion, debugging, networking, and concurrency.

Автор: Hogg Sylvie
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 352 Формат: DOC
Размер: 8.80 mb
Жанр: Wiley
Entirely brand-new, Frommer's Italian Islands clues you in to the region's best experiences, from enjoying secluded beaches or sophisticated nightlife to exploring towns and villages or unique archaeology. Think you've seen it all in Italy? Our author hits all the highlights, with the best of the islands, from the Tuscan archipelago to Siciliy and Sardinia, then moves off the beaten track to the dramatic and volcanic Aeolian Islands, beautiful and historic Aegadi Islands, the Tremiti Islands — aka the 'pearls of the Apulian Adriatic Sea', and many more. She's checked out all the best hotels and restaurants in person, and offers authoritative, candid reviews that will help you find choices to suit your taste and budget, whether this is your first visit to Italy, or your twentieth.

Автор: Albrecht Karl
Издательство: Wiley
Год: 2011 Страниц: 304 Формат: DOC
Размер: 7.60 mb
Жанр: Wiley
Karl Albrecht defines social intelligence (SI) as the ability to get along well with others while winning their cooperation. SI is a combination of sensitivity to the needs and interests of others, sometimes called your social radar, an attitude of generosity and consideration, and a set of practical skills for interacting successfully with people in any setting. Social Intelligence provides a highly accessible and comprehensive model for describing, assessing, and developing social intelligence at a personal level. This book is filled with intriguing concepts, enlightening examples, stories, cases, situational strategies, and a self-assessment tool — all designed to help you learn to navigate social situations more successfully.