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ОписаниеThis is the definitive edition of P.G. Wodehouse's letters, edited with a commentary by Oxford academic Sophie Ratcliffe. The funniest and most adored writer of the twentieth century, P.G. Wodehouse always shied away from the idea of a biography — a retiring sort of chap, he expressed himself through the written word. So his letters — expertly collected and edited here — provide the best biographical accompaniment you could wish for to legendary comic creations such as Jeeves, Wooster, Psmith and the Empress of Blandings. Tapping hitherto unknown sources, these letters give an unrivalled insight into the great man, from his schooldays at Dulwich College, the family's financial reverses which saw his hopes of university dashed, life in New York working in musical comedy alongside Irving Berlin, Cole Porter and George Gershwin, the years of fame as a novelist, and not least the strange episode in 1940 where he was interned by the Germans and accused of broadcasting pro-Nazi propaganda. It is a book every lover of Wodehouse will want to possess.
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