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Автор: Zafon Carlos Ruiz
Издательство: HarperCollins Publishers
Год: 2013 Страниц: 304 Формат: DOC
Размер: 7.60 mb
Жанр: HarperCollins Publishers
Once again, internationally acclaimed New York Times-bestselling author Carlos Ruiz Zafón takes us into a dark, gothic Barcelona and creates a rich, labyrinthine tale of love, literature, passion, and revenge in which the heroes of The Shadow Of The Wind and The Angel's Game must contend with a nemesis that threatens to destroy them. Barcelona, 1957. It is Christmas, and Daniel Sempere and his wife, Bea, have much to celebrate. They have a beautiful new baby son named Julián, and their close friend Fermín Romero de Torres is about to be wed. But their joy is eclipsed when a mysterious stranger visits the Sempere bookshop and threatens to divulge a terrible secret that has been buried for two decades in the city's dark past. His appearance plunges Fermín and Daniel into a dangerous adventure that will take them back to the 1940s and the early days of Franco's dictatorship. The terrifying events of that time launch them on a search for the truth that will put into peril everything they love, and will ultimately transform their lives.

Автор: Zafon Carlos Ruiz
Издательство: Orion Books
Год: 2013 Страниц: 256 Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.96 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
A mysterious toymaker who lives as a recluse in an old mansion, surrounded by the mechanical beings he has created... an enigma surrounding strange lights that shine through the mists that envelop the small island on which the old lighthouse stands...a shadowy creature that hides deep in the woods...these are the elements of a mystery that bind will bind 14-year-old Irene to Ismael during one magical summer spent in the Blue Bay. He mother has taken a job as a housekeeper for the toymaker, Lazarus, but his house contains more secrets than Irene and Ishmael have bargained for.

Автор: Zafon Carlos Ruiz
Издательство: Orion Books
Год: 2011 Страниц: 256 Формат: PDF
Размер: 8.96 mb
Жанр: Orion Books
1943. As war sweeps across Europe, Max Carver's father moves his family away from the city, to an old wooden house on the coast. But as soon as they arrive, strange things begin to happen: Max discovers a garden filled with eerie statues; his sisters are plagued by unsettling dreams and voices; a box of old films opens a window to the past. Most unsettling of all are rumours about the previous owners and the mysterious disappearance of their son. As Max delves into the past, he encounters the terrifying story of the Prince of Mist, a sinister shadow who emerges from the night to settle old scores, then disappears with the first mists of dawn... Originally published in Spain as a young adult novel, THE PRINCE OF MIST is a mesmerising tale of mystery, romance and adventure.
Автор: kimon
:: Просмотров: 1292

Автор: Zafon Carlos Ruiz
Издательство: Daedalus Books
Год: 2010 Страниц: 208 Формат: PDF
Размер: 7.28 mb
Жанр: Daedalus Books
The novel begins when Max Carver's father — a watchmaker and inventor — decides to move his family to a small town on the Atlantic coast. They move into a house that was built for a prestigious surgeon, Dr Richard Fleischmann and his wife but was abandoned when the couple's son drowned in a tragic accident. Behind the house Max spies an overgrown garden full of statues surrounded by a metal fence topped with a six-pointed star. When he goes to investigate, Max finds that the statues seem to consist of a kind of circus troop. In the centre of the garden is the large statue of a clown set in another six-pointed star. Max has the curious sensation that the statue is beckoning to him. As the family settles in they grow increasingly uneasy: they discover a box of old films belonging to the Fleischmanns; his sister has unsettling dreams and his other sister hears voices whispering to her from an old wardrobe. But Max spends most of his time with his new friend Roland, who takes him diving to the wreck of a boat that sank close to the coast in a terrible storm. Everyone on board perished except for one man — an engineer who built the lighthouse at the end of the beach.During the dive, Max sees something that leaves him cold — on the old mast floats a tattered flag and on it is the symbol of the circle and six-pointed star. As they learn more about the wreck, the chilling story of a legendary figure called Prince of the Mists begins to emerge.

Автор: Zafon Carlos Ruiz
Издательство: Celesa
Год: 2010 Страниц: 667 Формат: PDF
Размер: 23.35 mb
Жанр: Celesa
«Con El Juego del ngel, el autor de La Sombra del Viento vuelve al cautivador mundo de la Barcelona del Cementerio de los Libros Olvidados para sumergirnos de nuevo en una apasionante historia de traici n, tragedia y amor. David Mart n es un joven periodista y aspirante a escritor en los a os 20 que pasa r pidamente de escribir en un peque o diario local a publicar novelas, primero bajo pseud nimo y m s tarde bajo su propio nombre. Al mismo tiempo, espoleado por la mujer que ama, Cristina Sagnier, reescribe secretamente la novela de su amigo y mentor Pedro Vidal. Cuando las dos novelas ven la luz, la suya es vapuleada por la cr tica mientras que la de Vidal se convierte en un xito. David, hundido, aceptar entonces la misteriosa propuesta del editor Andrea Corelli de escribir «una historia por la que los hombres sean capaces de vivir y morir». Entretanto, David se introduce al fascinante universo del Cementerio de los Libros Olvidados, donde las reglas le permiten «salvar» un s lo libro. La elecci n del inquietante Lux Aeterna, escrito por un hombre con sus mismas iniciales D.M., no ser tan casual como David cree. Mientras escribe el libro y a la vez trata de poner orden en su vida, David se ver envuelto en una absorbente trama con Andrea Corelli, Pedro Vidal, Cristina Sagnier y el enigm tico escritor D.M., cuyo descenso a los infiernos replica escalofriantemente el del propio David. El Juego del ngel es una gran aventura de intriga, romance y tragedia, a trav s de un laberinto de secretos donde el embrujo de los libros, la pasi n y la amistad se conjugan en un relato magistral.»
Автор: admin
:: Просмотров: 1862

Автор: Zafon Carlos Ruiz
Издательство: Booket
Год: 2008 Страниц: 300 Формат: PDF
Размер: 10.50 mb
Жанр: Booket
El nuevo hogar de los Carver esta rodeado de misterio. En el aun se respira el espiritu de Jacob, el hijo de los antiguos propietarios, que murio ahogado. Las extranas circunstancias de esa muerte solo se empiezan a aclarar con la aparicion de un diabolico personaje: el Principe de la Niebla, capaz de conceder cualquier deseo a una persona a un alto precio...